Patricia Wegemer Malin

March 17, 1922 - December 9, 2014

Norma Mattern writes: 

Photo of Patricia Wegemer Malin in May 2014My Mother, Patricia Wegemer Malin, was part of the Cadet Nurse Corp in the 1940s at the Delaware State Hospital.  She moved into Assisted Living last year and died unexpectedly and quietly in December 2014.  In going through the things in her home, we have found her Cadet Nurse cape, a gray hat, a summer skirt, and numerous photos and newspaper clippings.  Also have two binders full of very organized, hand-written class notes she made with incredible penmanship, performance evaluations, and other paperwork - such as a transcript of a radio program in October 1946, where she participated with several other Cadet friends, and a handwritten U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps oath.

Pattye Wegemer Malin on her birthday Marh 2014Elsie Szecsy writes: 

Thank you, Patricia and Norma, for entrusting me with these most valuable artifacts of service to our country and the nursing profession. I will take care of them. They are of deep interest to me in my work as a researcher as well as my role as daughter of a Cadet Nurse.This gift also reminds me of the need to archive these valuable artifacts of an important part of World War II history.

Last Name in Nursing School: 
Wegemer Malin
Email address:
Relationship Status: 
Cadet Nurse
Deceased Cadet Nurse: 
Nursing School: 
Delaware State Hospital School of Nursing, Farnhurst, Delaware
Nursing School City: 
Nursing School State: 
Portrait of Patricia Wegemer Malin
Graduation Year: