Charlotte Dubois Harris
A colleague and friend of Ms. Harris writes:
I am so happy to have found your site. Ms. Harris has beome like a second mom to me. I too, am an RN in Emergency Care. This amazing woman in her mid 80s still reads voraciously and can rival me at times as to what is going on in modern healthcare. Her career spanned 6 decades as an Operating Room Head Nurse, Industrial Nurse, Nurse Consultant to the last Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) hospital in the U.S. She did this all while raising 4 children (one of whom is an RN), being a wife to her WWII vet hustand, and continues to live independently, drive, and maintain a home. We recently took her to a book signing at the WWII Museum in New Orleans where she was treated with much respect from the curent nursing students in attendance. She was so proud of her Cadet Nurse history.