Donate is supported by volunteer friends like you. Your financial support is needed to provide for digital and print communication to spread the word about the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps and to gain recognition for the 124,000 women who answered the call during World War II. These women have yet to have been formally recognized for their service by the U.S. government.

Funds raised through this website or by mail support infrastructure and content development and maintenance for the website and print and mailing expenses. Reaching a goal of $5,000 will keep the website live through the 70th anniversary year of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, through December 2013.

Please help us reach this goal.

You may donate online via the Donate button above, or via check, payable to Friends of U.S. Cadet Nurses.

Checks can be mailed to:

Friends of U.S. Cadet Nurses
c/o Elsie Szecsy
2406 S Grandview Avenue
Tempe, AZ 85282
c/o Shirley A Harrow
65 Gladstone Street
Quincy, MA 02171