Dolores (Dolly) Vermeeren Kochheiser
I gave a verbal taped report to an AARP person for the Library of Congress about civilians' WWII war effort. This was a veterans project -- I worked for 40 years & was a candidate for the pilot program for for Adult Health Nurse Practitioners at the University of Colorado School of Nursing --graduating 1973.
A friend gave me a bookmark with the Cadet logo on it . On the back of it a name: Thelma(Morey)Robinson 1991 Alumni of the year -- Lincoln General Hospital School of Nursing Celebrating 45 years in nursing ----I could not find this name listed in either of your listings -- alive or dead. I thought this might be of interest.
Editor's note: Dolores, Thelma is very much alive. She wrote 3 books on Cadet Nurse history. All are well researched and important work. Thelma is also a modest woman, but she also has a website.