Sarah Hardic Lidell
I was a member of the US Cadet Nurses Corps at Hartwick College, Oneonta New York, from 1944 – 1946, at which time I left to marry my husband, Wallace, after his return from serving with the 12th Armored Division in the European Campaign. I more recently was involved with the Hartwick College Nursing program to assist their students on a project documenting the Cadet Nurses Program at Hartwick. I was proud to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the College for my support and involvement in the Nursing program. When I entered Hartwick, there was one academic building on the campus, the top floor of which was the nursing arts laboratory, where we practiced patient care skills before moving on to clinical practice at Fox Hospital. In those days, we sharpened our own hypodermic needles and sterilized bedpans on the unit! How much has changed from those days.