Bette Girmscheid Murray
After graduation in 1946, I was a surgical nurse for several years and then worked as “The Nurse” for a couple of Urological Specialists. Then I got married and moved onto other nursing positions: In-service Education at a Children’s Hospital; some long term work in a doctor’s office; and finally back to a hospital and bedside nursing as night supervisor. I was fortunate in this position to be offered the opportunity to be in the first graduating class of CCU Nurses in the 60’s. Then my husband died. After several years in ICU/CCU, I moved into the field of chemical dependency where I spent the remainder of my career as an educator/supervisor until the hospital closed. After that I did some part time Home Health nursing until 1999 when I suffered a massive stroke and have been fully retired since then. I made a remarkable recovery and now keep busy in the community and in my high school and nursing school alumni associations with volunteer projects.Nursing has been a wonderful life for me and I am grateful to the U.S. Cadet Nurse Program for providing me with a fulfilling profession. This picture was taken on location sometime after we got our uniforms. How proud we were to wear them.