Ruth Gerber Andrews Chanbliss
Affectionately called "Ms. Ruth" her lifelong passion for Nursing began in 1945 as a member of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corp in WWII, holding the title of Corporal, U.S. Army. She was a graduate of Hackensack School of Nursing, Hackensack, NJ, did post-grad work at Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C. and earned her B.S. Degree in Nursing from the College of St. Frances, Joliet, IL. Her Montgomery work resume consisted of Baptist Medical Center 1967 -1976, Alabama Medicaid Associate Director Hospital Program 1976-1986 and Wiregrass Hospice 2000-2005. - See more at:
Affectionately called "Ms. Ruth" her lifelong passion for Nursing began in 1945 as a member of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corp in WWII, holding the title of Corporal, U.S. Army. She was a graduate of Hackensack School of Nursing, Hackensack, NJ, did post-grad work at Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C. and earned her B.S. Degree in Nursing from the College of St. Frances, Joliet, IL. Her Montgomery work resume consisted of Baptist Medical Center 1967 -1976, Alabama Medicaid Associate Director Hospital Program 1976-1986 and Wiregrass Hospice 2000-2005. - See more at:
Affectionately called "Ms. Ruth" her lifelong passion for Nursing began in 1945 as a member of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corp in WWII, holding the title of Corporal, U.S. Army. She was a graduate of Hackensack School of Nursing, Hackensack, NJ, did post-grad work at Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C. and earned her B.S. Degree in Nursing from the College of St. Frances, Joliet, IL. Her Montgomery work resume consisted of Baptist Medical Center 1967 -1976, Alabama Medicaid Associate Director Hospital Program 1976-1986 and Wiregrass Hospice 2000-2005. - See more at:
November 23, 1926 - August 12, 2013
Ruth H. Andrews Chambliss, R.N., went to be with the Lord on Monday morning, August 12, 2013, at the tender age of 86. Affectionately called "Ms. Ruth," her lifelong passon for Nursing began in 1945 as a member of the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps in World War II, holding the title of Corporal, U.S. Army. She was a graduate of Hackensack School of Nursing, Hackensack, New Jersey, did post-grad work at Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C., and earned her B.S. degree in Nursing from the College of St. Frances, Joliet, Illinois. Her Montgomery work resume consisted of Baptist Medical Center 1967-1976, Alabama Medicaid Associate Director Hospital Program 1976-1986, and Wiregrass Hospice 2000-2005.