Jean Margaret Ellis Smith

Rebecca Smith Griffin writes:

My Mother, Jean Margaret Ellis Smith was a U.S. Cadet Nurse during World War II. She received her training at Monmouth College in Long Branch, NJ. She lived from June 19, 1925 to Aug. 12, 2012. She was married for 65 years to my Dad, Willis C. Smith, Jr. They met at a dance at the college (USO related) during her training as a cadet nurse and his assignment as a U.S. marine in 1946. They married in February of 1947.

Last Name in Nursing School: 
Ellis Smith
Email address:
Relationship Status: 
Cadet Nurse
Deceased Cadet Nurse: 
Nursing School: 
Monmouth College, Long Branch, New Jersey
Nursing School City: 
Long Branch
Nursing School State: 
New Jersey
Portrait of Jean Margaret Ellis Smith