Minnie B Carter
I support H.R. 1718 United States Cadet Nurse Corps Equity Act because I served from 1944-1947. Forty-eight hour work weeks were the norm and our schedules were based on a combination of classes and clinical experience. I was one of the Cadet Nurses who provided 80% nursing care in our nation's hospitals and helped to integrate many hospitals. I have and still am working with former Cadet Nurses to get a bill passed in Congress. The year 2007 was our eighth act introduced into the House of Representatives for recognition. We as veterans deserve to be recognized. It has been quite a struggle.I am a charter member of the Women's Memorial (1997).I, with a group of 12 veterans of all ranks was honored as a guest speaker to the Library of Congress Project. I was the only Cadet Nurse. Videos were taken and the pictures of my speech will be in the Library of Congress Project.