Dorothy J. Braun Turner

Passed away on March 1, 2014.

Steven R Turner writes:

Dorothy J. Braun (Turner) was the first cadet nurse trainee from Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, to be accepted by the Navy into US Naval Hospital, Seattle, Washington.  She was 21  and finished her last 6 months of training in Seattle.  While there, she met and subsequently married Richard E. Turner, a Pharmacist Mate FC, who was heading off to finish medical school in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  They married in October of 1945.  My parents settled in Eugene, Oregon, after his graduation from University of Michigan and residency in pediatrics.  Dorothy maintained her nursing license and continued to work in the field until her retirement in 1989 from the University of Oregon's Student Health Center.

Last Name in Nursing School: 
Braun Turner
Email address:
Relationship Status: 
Cadet Nurse
Deceased Cadet Nurse: 
Nursing School: 
Henry Ford Hospital School of Nursing and Hygiene, Detroit, Michigan
Nursing School City: 
Nursing School State: 
Portrait of Dorothy J Braun Turner
Graduation Year: